Chia-Kuen Hsieh
Assistant professor
  • Introduction to Film Production
  • Film Production Workshop
  • Graduation Production and Exhibition

Post-Graduate Diploma in Documentary Film at Communication Department of the Goldsmiths' College, University of London. MA in Media Production of the Christ Church College, University of Kent at Canterbury. Working Experience: Producer for TV commercial at Kuan-Lien Production(1986-1988) Planner and producer for news and documentary films in the Waterfall Production Europe.(1995-1996) Researcher、TV news camera for CTN London and Taiwan TV Company(1993-1996) , Part-time lecturer in the Communication Department in Chaoyang University of Technology.(1999-2001) Producing Project: "Blue Plague"(2002,Venice Film Festival), "Birthday"(2003, Venice Film Festival), "Let's go together", "Bardo", "The Secret in the Satchel"(IDFA). Directing Project: "Bonnie & Denny", "Betel‧Brother", "Searching for Brodsky", "Litter Park" Current Position: Full-time lecturer in the Motion Picture Dept. in National Taiwan University of Arts. Part-time Lecturer in the Digital Media Design Department in Ming-Chuan University Professional specialty: "film-production", "proposal planning", "documentary film" Teaching: Group Workshop, Introduction to Film Production, Film Technology, Short Film Production